in an attempt to finish up our living room, i bought a settee on craigslist this weekend. i am drawn to rough linen, feed sacks, and nice velveteen with white wood trim for sweet little settees, but i'm thinking about going spunkier. This amy butler print is soo fun! i'm not sure why, but i keep coming back to it! i could lacquer the trim in a bright, glossy color, complementary to the fabric.... however, it's a little obnoxious. not sure if it will make it onto this piece!
any suggestions?
*time lapse of 4 minutes....i don't think i like this fabric anymore. we will see. tehe, so fickle!
That would certainly make a statement!
I want to see what you do with it when you decide! Hope you're enjoying break!
We are getting ready to decorate our front living room, and I keep going back and forth between grey velvet (or something a long that line) or fun bold fabrics for the couch and 2 chairs I have. I think I am going to get a couch and have the seat cushions reupholstered in a different fabric (like a print) Then you get the best of both worlds! So there is an idea for you.....And who knows what I will do with the chairs. BUT I am going crazy deciding because I AM SO FICKLE!!!
Sara- I keep thinking go neutral.... but you're only 20-something once, ya know? i keep coming back to the fact that this is the time to use bold fun decor.... especially in an old house. i like decor juxtaposition!
i'm also torn between a rug from west elm and a cow hide from my grandpa's friend... i'm thinking all these ideas will probably come across as tacky and not the ecclectic "we live on a farm, but we grow music" type of feeling.
thanks for the help, girls!
Sara- i want to see pictures of your house!!!! I cannot wait. do it today; it's sunny so you'll have good light :)
probably going with a solid, now. who knows!
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